Mimic is an experimental video directed by Lucio Arese with music of Yu Miyashita.
An hyperdense block of objects driven by music collides, collapses, spread into random formations and disintegrates at frantic speed.
Shot into a cattle market, the film rides the verge between nonsense, random noise and organic, structured audiovisual events, enhancing the plastic clashes of a digital inserted foreground into an old and rusty environment.
Humorous, lunatic, cartoonish, nightmarish, Mimic is an attempt to reach a complete unity between music and motion picture in an epoch of violent changes.
Design, modeling, animation, direction, production: Lucio Arese
Compositing, editing, cinematography: Lucio Arese
Soundtrack: “Mimic” composed by Yu Miyashita – Album: “Noble Niche” (Mille Plateaux/MP 307)
© Mille Plateaux 2012
Yu Miyashita
Music Videos